Prior Authorizations for Cardiologists

Prior Authorizations for Cardiologists: Everything You Need to Know 

Cardiology practices face some of the biggest burdens when it comes to obtaining prior authorizations for necessary diagnostics and procedures. Today, everything from Echocardiograms, Dopplers, and Ultrasounds, to procedures like Cardiac Catheterizations and Stents require prior authorization.

Prior Authorizations for Cardiologists

Interventional Cardiologists face an even higher burden when it comes to precertification requirements, often requiring patients to return for multiple, segmented visits just to get their patient in for a necessary medical procedure that could have been established after just one visit. This volume of requirements produces a strain on any Cardiology practice, no matter how organized or sophisticated.

Cardiology prior authorization is a process that requires specific knowledge and carrier expertise that only comes with time and practice. The Pier 17 Authorizations Department is well-versed in ever-changing payer guidelines, documentation requirements, quick deadlines, and efficient follow-up on submitted requests. If you’re looking for professional help, contact us today!

cardiology prior authorization credentialing insurance eligibility medical eligibility verification medical necessity medical record patient’s insurance eligibility post-authorization pre-authorization pre authorization approval precertification prior authorization prior authorization requirements retroactive authorizations

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